Normal Waxing

Waxing at home service

Arms And Underarms (Honey Wax)

Get complete Honey Waxing for Arms and Underarms

Price:- Rs. 180/-

Full Legs Wax (Honey Wax)

Get complete Honey Waxing for smooth and shiny Legs

Price:- Rs. 300/-

B Wax (Honey Wax)

Get complete Honey B-Wax

Price:- Rs. 500/-

Full Back Wax(Honey Wax)

Get complete Honey Waxing for clean and clear Back

Price:- Rs. 300/-

Full Front Wax(Honey Wax)

Get full front Honey Waxing 

Price:- Rs. 300/-

Full Body Wax(Honey Wax)

Get Full Body Honey Waxing 

Price:- Rs. 1000/-

Rica Waxing

Arms And Underarms(Rica Wax)

Get complete Rica Waxing for Arms and Underarms

Price:- Rs. 250/-

Full Legs Wax(Rica Wax)

Get complete Rica Waxing for smooth and shiny Legs

Price:- Rs. 400/-

B Wax (Rica Wax)

Get complete Rica B-Wax

Price:- Rs. 550/-

Full Back Wax(Rica Wax)

Get complete Rica Waxing for clean and clear Back

Price:- Rs. 450/-

Full front Wax(Rica Wax)

Get full front Rica Waxing 

Price:- Rs. 400/-

Full Body Wax(Rica Wax)

Get Full Body Rica Waxing 

Price:- Rs. 1700/-

Full Face wax

Get complete Face Wax

Price:- Rs. 150/-

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